Why I Don’t Use Intuitive Eating

Why I Don’t Use Intuitive Eating

Why I don’t use intuitive eating and you shouldn’t either. Intuitive eating SOUNDS like a great idea. Maybe it makes our body lead us to what we really NEED. But that’s not what experience, or research, suggests. In this video, we dive deep into the...
Reversing Inflammation

Reversing Inflammation

I walk like a young woman again after reversing inflammation! I wanted to get slender for GOOD– slender in a way that would LAST and slender in way that corresponded to real health improvements. And what I discovered turned out to be something so beautiful and...
Dieting Regrets

Dieting Regrets

Once I discovered clear and effective principles for healthy eating that completely transformed my results, I discovered that my mindsets were completly wrong. There are dieting mindsets that block our success. Watch to learn...