How must you SHOW UP in order to finally achieve the big health and weight loss results?

Have you landed on a one-word theme for the year?

I chose SOAR, because things in my life are going well, but I still feel I make things harder than they have to be.  I seek to fly high, to build momentum, work WITH nature, rather than fighting it.

And this is a key to the kind of eating that changes everything, too!

It’s a pretty powerful, inspiring, and evocative image for me. 

Have you identified a word for that year that captures something about how you want your year to be?

Now, the question becomes HOW. 

You love to envision that picture and those results. But how do you ENACT those results in your life?

That’s the real key, right?  Envisioning those results is nice and smile-producing, but whether that vision produces results is what really matters.

And it’s how we show up that makes all the difference for achieving our breakthroughs in life.

So SOAR is my word for the year.  Now, how must I show up in order to have that easy, upward momentum?

I’m going to use Stacey Abrams as my role model, because I see that she made steady and persistent efforts day after day, week after week, month after month to make a difference, even after she lost a big election.  She kept working to achieve important goals.

Steady and persistent effort is also what will give me that soaring kind of life I’m seeking.

Writing out a PLAN can be a great idea, identifying the actions you will take to get the results.

And, giving some thought to how you will BE in order to achieve your desired result can also really help. 

Later this week, I’ll share one way of showing up that my clients have found really helps them get breakthrough results with healthy eating and weight loss.

What ways of showing up have served YOU when you’ve made a big change in your life?  I’d love to hear your thoughts!