After going through a divorce and having to overcome cancer, Jennifer just wasn’t thriving.

The idea of recovering her health and her slender figure through nutrition appealed to her.

Even before the weight loss was apparent, she was experiencing notable health and energy improvements.

She was happy to discover how enjoyable Slender Way Eating is, and how it provides not only sustainable weight loss, but also feeling so much better physically and mentally.

She finds she feels more sense of calm, and has a much more positive outlook on her future.

Are you ready to explore how this simple, smart, healthy eating approach could work for YOU?  Book your own exploratory call with me at

Why talk to me?

Not only have I discovered a simple Truly Healthy Eating approach that works reliably and predictably, even for women over 50 and 60…

But I’m also an expert in psychology and habit change who’s helped hundreds of people change their lives for over 30 years.

I help my clients find a simple, natural, and thoroughly enjoyable way to reset their weight to live healthfully slender long-term.